
Profile Page Guidelines

The Member Profile Page is your pitch - to other Members about what you have to offer. This optional page is your opportunity to make enough of an impression on your fellow OCBRG members for them to remember you.

For the sake of consistency and low cost (a 'one time' investment of $200, checks made out to "NetPath"), all Member Profile Pages must adhere to the following format. Submit your information via e-mail to with your image and any company title logo attached... as well as a Word document or 'text' document containing your copy and contact information.

To view an example of how your Member Profile Page will look, check out mine (Bill Rhinesmith) by clicking HERE - then close the browser window to continue.

Your portrait must be exactly 250 pixels high by 250 pixels wide. We suggest a professional portrait (see our "Photographer" membership category for your best deal.). The name of your company will go here. If you elect to use an image (thats 'OK'), it must be 250 pixels high by 350 pixels wide

Place a brief (50 - 75 char) tagline here!

This is where you can place a brief message - not to exceed 1,000 characters total (about 150 words) - including punctuation and spacing.

Make a brief presentation of your offering - and how it benefits your customers. This page is to educate other Members - who, most often, are in a hurry. Make it as brief as possible - and to the point.

You want your fellow Members to get a quick snapshot of what you do - presented in a succinct but pleasing manner. We suggest including a few bullet points. Think "less is more."

Your Name Here
Your Company Here
Your Street Address Here
Your City/State/Zip Here

Your Phone Number Here
Your Fax Number Here
Your Mobile Phone Here

You can have one 200 pixel high by 300 pixel to 400 pixel wide picture here.

